Message From Head of Department

Today, the faster the social world undergoes changes, the more important the science of sociology becomes. For this reason, the Department of Sociology, which took its place within Bursa Technical University six years ago, has made a structuring that will stand out with its practical studies as well as the basic issues of sociology within the framework of theoretical issues. It has placed the Vocational Training Program in the Enterprise as an application that is perhaps not found in any sociology department in Turkey. In this framework, our students will work in the field for 14 weeks in the 7th semester and will both test their competencies and gain professional experience and accumulate "social capital". Our department also paves the way for "Philosophy Group Teaching" with the philosophy, psychology and logic courses offered in the elective course pool. Our aim is to train sociologists who are candidates to be competent in their field by providing not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience within the horizon of sociological thought.

We can only make this together with you, hand in hand... 

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Zeki ÜNAL Bursa Technical University, Head of Sociology Department